The quote "War is Peace" symbolizes a theory of social classes throughout history. In the novel 1984, the full quote says " War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength". The author George Orwell gave readers an introduction of doublethink- language that describes things as the opposite of what they really are. The governments in "1984" uses manipulation and propaganda to keep the people loyal. The idea is that as there is an enemy and a threat at all times, the people will not question their situation and revolt.
In the story, the main character Winston Smith, reads a book by the name of "Emmanuel Goldstein's The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism". Those words from the quote are the official slogans of the Party in the book, including the Ministry of Peace. It's a part of the Party's large campaign of having psychological control of the people. According to their theory, war is peace, because having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united. In my opinion, war is peace because good war in foreign places makes peace at home possible.
War is a distraction from the real economic and social problems we have at home. A powerful society is one that can defend itself from attack, most likely war. The quote still has a powerful meaning today. With all of the issues going on in our society today, wars are still occurring. The main goal in these wars, is to have peace at home.
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